The Wise Leader (2023)
The Wise Leader draws together insights from the world of wisdom and leadership. It offers practical guidance to leaders seeking to become wiser and leadership development professionals wanting to develop the capacity of their organisations in the content of an ever-evolving business environment.
The Team Leader Instruction Manual (2023)
The Team Leader Instruction Manual (TLIM) has been written for team leaders, and people supporting team leaders, to help them navigate the needs of their teams. The TLIM has a little bit of theory and lots of practical exercises.
The Tao of Dialogue (2019)
In this short book, Paul and six friends attempt to capture the essence of ‘dialogue’ and illustrate how coaches can use dialogue most effectively with individuals and teams. The seven authors talk about dialogue here.
Coaching in Three Dimensions. Meeting the Challenges of a Complex World (2018)
In this book Paul and Allen Moore argue that traditional approaches to coaching fail to account for the way organisations really work. The Three Dimensions offer a more connected, systemic approach, aligning coaching with the realities and challenges of organisations operating in an ever more complex world. You can explore the book through the following short videos; an overview followed by descriptions of traditional, dialogic and systemic approaches to coaching, and a section on coach development. You can also watch Paul present the Three Dimensions to an audience in London in 2019.
Leading Change. How Successful Leaders Approach Change Management (2015)
Over the course of 12 months, Paul interviewed 50 leaders round the world, half of them CEOs, and asked them to share stories of change interventions that worked. The book captures the essence of those stories in the form of the ‘Emerging Change Model’, a guide to successfully leading complex change interventions.