Teaming Excellence
The Teaming Excellence program is based on the Team Leader Instruction Manual (TLIM) a self-contained guide full of materials for helping leaders to lead their own teams more effectively.
By the end of the program your leaders will have developed entirely new understandings of the way teams function and how to help their teams to become more effective. These new understandings will translate into a general lift in performance across your organisation.
We also run TLIM accreditation programs for external coaches wishing to enhance their practice and to help their clients build capacity at an organisational level. You can source testimonials and program dates on our dedicated TLIM website.
Program & Outcomes
In a TLIM program leaders can pick and choose which aspects of team effectiveness are most relevant to the challenges their teams are facing in the moment. The TLIM outlines 15 modules, each consisting of short snippets of theory and lots of practical exercises with supporting resources. Modules include content on communication, team alignment, building trust, managing conflict, team dynamics, team development, building teams, managing diversity, virtual teaming, systems and politics, multi-team membership etc … By the end of the program participants will have a new understanding as to how highly effective teams operate, and how to intervene in helping their teams to become more impactful.
We run customised programs with intact teams, or open programs for people at the meta-team level, enhancing the capacity of your organisation as a whole to work in groups.The more people do the program, the more people are able to support each other in helping your organisation as a whole become more successful.
We run TLIM accreditation programs for internal and external coaches looking to enhance their practice and to support other leaders build their capacity to coach teams.